
  • Where are you?

  • How big is this church?

    • Tiny! (But big in spirit.)

  • Is there a building?

    • Maybe in the future. We’re currently looking for natural spaces that fit our needs, and sites that have been used for sacramental purposes through history.

  • Is this church affiliated with any particular denomination or religion?

    • Bright Orthodoxy centers the early expressions of Abrahamic faiths, but no— we are not affiliated with any specific denomination or religion. We are a creedless church that focuses on lived experiences and the earthly benefits of a value-centered community.

  • Who is welcome to attend services?

    • All are welcome to attend our services, regardless of their religious background or beliefs (or lack thereof). We embrace dual practice and offer our tenets for the purpose of generative integration with each member's respective religion, values, beliefs, and traditions. As the Church of the Unchurched, we equally welcome the religious “nones,” the agnostics, atheists, and indifferent.

    • You are all welcome, on your own terms.


Services and Practices

  • What is the purpose of this church?

    • Our purpose is to bring people together in observations of enduring, cross-cultural practices. In this way we hope to promote wellbeing through a connection with nature and insight into the wisdom of the early church and before. We believe that by honoring these traditions, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

  • Are there any specific ancestral practices that the church encourages?

    • We encourage members to explore the aspects of ancestral living that resonate with them. Some examples include herbalism, gardening, fermenting food, creating folk art, and playing music.

      • Less-expected examples include thoughtful fasting, first aid training, sleeping when you’re tired, improving physical fitness, learning about human development across the lifespan, testing water for impurities, and participating in a reciprocally accountable community. These are our acts of worship, and they are not easily done.

  • What can I expect at a service?

    • We action our religion through fellowship, joyful motion, and immersion in nature. Expect communal meals and stargazing, held when the sky is clear and the water flows.

  • When do you worship?

    • Please see our calendar page for church events and dates we find significant.

  • Are there a dress code?

    • There is no dress code. We encourage people to wear comfortable clothing that allows them to focus on the experience.

  • Sounds like a party!

    • Kinda. There’s no dress code but there is an informal code of conduct. Church gatherings might be at odd hours and very relaxed but they are sober, family-friendly affairs. Please refrain from drinking, smoking, vaping or any illicit substances or behavior during church events. This is so everyone feels safe and welcome at our events and so we can better live our religion’s values while we are in “church”.

    • Additionally, some members emphasize fasting or dietary proscriptions as part of their practice and we ask that they not endeavor alone. We ask that both parties be considerate of each others’ needs and make equitable arrangements for the handling of meals. (No one will ever be required to abstain from food, but we do expect everyone to be thoughtful.)

We worship at the Dirt Church

  • Though centered in Abrahamic religions, we respectfully approach all enduring systems of practice and belief. We see this syncretism as a means to connect with spiritual communities beyond our own and to deepen our respective personal philosophies, whatever they may be.

    Read more about out beliefs in our About page.

  • Bright Orthodoxy administers three ministries, Roots, Movement, and Feast. Read about them more at our Ministries Page.

  • Reach out through our contact form, we'd love to talk to you.

  • Continue to our Calendar page for church events and significant dates.