Ancestral Fasting

All Abrahamic religions, and many outside of this framework, include some manner of fasting. Because they employed it, so will we. Catholics fast from animal products, wine, and oil to some degree every Wednesday and Friday and for three stretches of time, one in spring and winter, and another type of fast in summer. Variants of the practice have called for year-round pescatarianism, vegetarianism, or veganism— some still do. Seventh-Day Adventists endorse vegetarianism and veganism in a diet that favors whole, minimal-processed foods. Their diet, within a lifestyle that includes regular exercise and abstinence from all drugs and alcohol, contributes to longer lives for practitioners. Their lives are not just longer than other American’s, their lives have more good years.

Read our invitation to Advent Fasting and 40 Lenten Days of Transformation for examples of our practice.


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